This is easily the greatest 20 minutes of I spent of my life in the past year, and one of the BEST orations I’ve ever seen. If you do anything creative, watch it.
I don’t know what it is with me and your blog, but I always randomly read it at the right time. 1. I’m so glad I don’t have cable and ended up watching this tonight on my phone. 2. I love Elizabeth Gilbert and have read her book twice. 3. This is just what I needed to hear! It made me teary. It is so true and something I have experienced many times in my life. The key is– it’s not ALL the time. Sometimes you show up like she said and the spirit just ain’t visiting that day. Your talent is still the same. But the genius is visiting elsewhere. You can’t make it happen. You just open yourself up like a vessel or something. You show up and then get out of the way. And sometimes something magical happens. Then there are those times like the waites story– I will find myself singing, the best melody ever out of freaking no where in my car. No one else ever hears it and it is forgotten. It just flowed through for a moment and got lost. Like i just caught a wind or sometjing. I Love this idea! I’m so pumped! It’s so freeing. Thank you andy for sharing.
I don’t know what it is with me and your blog, but I always randomly read it at the right time. 1. I’m so glad I don’t have cable and ended up watching this tonight on my phone. 2. I love Elizabeth Gilbert and have read her book twice. 3. This is just what I needed to hear! It made me teary. It is so true and something I have experienced many times in my life. The key is– it’s not ALL the time. Sometimes you show up like she said and the spirit just ain’t visiting that day. Your talent is still the same. But the genius is visiting elsewhere. You can’t make it happen. You just open yourself up like a vessel or something. You show up and then get out of the way. And sometimes something magical happens. Then there are those times like the waites story– I will find myself singing, the best melody ever out of freaking no where in my car. No one else ever hears it and it is forgotten. It just flowed through for a moment and got lost. Like i just caught a wind or sometjing. I Love this idea! I’m so pumped! It’s so freeing. Thank you andy for sharing.