“I would love to be able to do that, but I’m just not that kind of person.”
How many times have you heard someone say this phrase? Or have said it yourself?
Often times in conversations with family members, colleagues, friends, and co-workers, this and similar phrases, are used as reasons why you can’t.
These statements are a complete affirmation of fear. They are nothing more than an excuse to NOT do something.
And a bad excuse at that.
And we allow ourselves these cop-outs too often.
The next time you say something “just isn’t your personality” or that you “don’t have the kind of [blank]” you need, try telling yourself a different story.
Just because you haven’t typically done something doesn’t mean you can’t.
What if the way you are is something that can be changed?
What would it take for you to be “that person”?
What would it look like?
How would you act?
What could you accomplish?
Think about it. Picture it. Pretend for one day.
…and watch what happens.
What kind of story are you telling yourself? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.
I’ve been telling myself that I’m not a business person, but I’m shifting that story day by day
This is just what I needed to read today. Thanks, Andy.
erelpilo – been there! And day by day is the best way to do it!
Colin Hatch – awesome – glad it resonated!