I was perusing Craig’s List today, you know, checkin’ out the free stuff people had and half-assedly (yeah, it’s a word) looking for a bed, when I came across a dog.
This dog looks strikingly like Franklin (my co-dog from when I lived in Miami) and it was decided he’s so similar in face, snout, and general appearance that he could easily be his brother.
At any rate, I greatly miss having my dog around (we teleconference to do Franklin Talk) and I really considered getting this dog – in fact I went so far as to send an email inquiring about him.
I also came up with the best name ever for a dog. And if one of you out there uses this I hope that when you tell people your dog’s name you whisper quietly afterwards “thisnamewasthoughtupbyAndy.” Are you ready?
Bill Cosby.
Hot girl: Hi, I’m Hot Girl, what’s your name?
Andy: Hello Hot Girl. I’m Andy, and this is my dog – Bill Cosby.
It’s just perfect! PERFECT! I can’t wait to actually be able to get a dog so I can name it Bill Cosby. Come up with your own scenarios for introducing a dog named Bill Cosby. It’s a great way to kill time at work.
*This may or may not be my real phone number. Try it and see!**
**I left this in here after I did an edit of the original conversation between myself and Hot Girl. I just figured I’d leave it in to screw with people.