There are a lot of things needed to begin using your music to generate cash, but obviously some are more important than others. In order to elimintae barriers you can take a few steps each day to begin making immediate progress. Those steps are: Make a phone call, make a mistake, make a list of questions, and then repeat.
When making phone calls for the first time you will undoubtedly hang up the phone and want to hurl yourself into a ravine head first. That’s the beauty of this strategy – you know perfection will elude you, and you’re setup to turn these often times defeating experiences into something you can learn from.
Your mistake could be any number of things so have a legal pad and pen or some way of immediately recording any thoughts or perceptions you have about the call.
Mostly these notes will be missing an opportunity to ask a key question that gives you some insight into whom you’re approaching, their job, or the company’s current needs and goals. The more calls you make, the better you will become at asking questions and that will begin to foster strong relationships with the right people.
Keep your questions in front of you so you’re sure not to miss anything crucial in conversation with someone in the future.
So who do you call? That’s easy – call any company responsible for using music where you think your sound would be a good fit! The more you call and ask, the more you’ll know!