It is so great to have something to check. Something to check means progress is being made. The package is on the way, the project is moving forward, the numbers are ticking ever higher. Checking can be encouraging, exciting, and instructive.
But checking is a trap. Things don’t happen because you check, things happen because you take action, make a move, share something. The checks are the ripples from the first drop.
Checking is tricky because it can be nuanced. You can create new ways check; new ways to filter the spreadsheet, or create a new ratio. But this nuanced checking is still checking at its heart.
The more time you spend checking, the more likely it is you’re being distracted; doing things that are important but secondary.
By all means, check. But don’t lose site of the fact that you must keep doing things, over and over, to make the checking informative and useful.